Teach Us To Number Our Days

Gracious heavenly Father, we come before You today with humble hearts. We know that Your alone know what the day holds, and we trust in what You have planned. May everything we say and do bring You honor and glory.

Lord, we also know that our days on this earth are very few in comparison to eternity. Please give us the wisdom to understand that our life truly is just a vapor. Whether this is our final day on earth or we have many years left to serve You, we give You our whole heart in this moment.

We ask now for Your direction to make the most of the days you have for us. Help us to be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit in us, that we hear Him above the background noise of the world. There is no time to waste getting distracted and confused by anything that is not from You, so tune our ears to what is important.

As we prepare for the day ahead, Father, show us Your presence in tangible ways. Tomorrow has not been promised us, so we offer the sacrifice of ourselves mind, body and soul to further Your kingdom. Lead, guide and direct us to the things You would have us do in Your name.

In the precious and holy name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.


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