Using Cookie Dough For Other Delicious Purposes

The cookie dough mix was just sitting there in the pantry, staring at me every time I opened the door. There was a matching tub of frosting in there, too, which made the situation even worse. But who wants to make boring cookies? Anyone could do that. Instead, I made tiny cookie cups and filled them with frosting. Doesn't that sound more scrumptious than flat, simple cookies? Trust me, they were amazing. To make cookie cups, press a ball of cookie dough into each part of a muffin tin to make little bowls. Bake at 350 degrees until golden brown, about 11-12 minutes. Lightly press the middle of each bowl to create a hollow for whatever goodness you plan on, then let them cool completely before removing them from the muffin tin. So what else can you do with a batch of cookie dough? I'm so glad you asked. Add cookie dough to your favorite ice cream treats. Roll tiny balls and freeze them on a baking sheet. Pop them off and use them as topping for sundaes or stir them into softened ...