The 25 Books Of Christmas

Now that I'm 30-something years old, I get to give myself a Christmas present! Ok, so I put a gift in my own stocking a couple of years ago because it was something small that I really wanted - but that doesn't really count, right? So I'm reading a story about Christmas, since it's almost December already, and they were promoting reading with children. The suggestion was to give them a stack of books on December 1 and let them open one each day until Christmas. I love this idea for two reasons: 1. I love books! 2. All children should be given the gift of reading. If you have children, I beg you to do this for them. You don't have to spend a fortune, either. Just keep your eyes open for books at sales, thrift shops and consignment stores. The dollar store here always has shelves full of books, and there's usually a bin of kids' books at the grocery store, too. Don't stop there. Read with them. Have them read to you. Read in different voices....