
Showing posts from 2024

What Web Are You Weaving?

We've both walked right through this spider web several times. Every day I take it down, and by the evening it's already been rebuilt. I've not seen the spider itself, otherwise I would relocate her to a better spot. Way away from the front door. My industrious friend reminds me of a great book  I'm reading  about the importance of gathering, in-person events, and making connections. At one conference, the host started by putting everyone in a circle and throwing a ball of yarn. Each participant threw it to someone else, and soon there was a giant spider web of yarn between them. Then the host said, "You are now woven together into this beautiful web. Let's keep that spirit for the remainder of our time together." What kind of web are you weaving today? Is it the annoying one that's just in everyone's way? Or is it a beautiful connection with the people in your sphere? Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto

Best-Dressed Goat In The Room

When I was asked to be part of the 4H Expo's celebrity livestock show, I was a little nervous. I'd never done anything like this before, but I can't say that anymore! It didn't hurt that the bottle baby goat I was showing was the sweetest thing ever. Look at her pose for pictures. We had the option to dress up ourselves, the animal, or both, so of course I wanted to do both! There was a rumor going around that costumes and bribes actually did get you somewhere. That's why my sweet Brownie is wearing a sunflower collar in this picture. And posing again. Pause. While bonding with my show goat, I had to step next door and cuddle the 8-day-old twin goats. Mama actually let me pick them up and love on them, which absolutely made my day. Look at them! Mama was a sweetheart, too. To coordinate with my goat's flower costume, I dressed up like the gardener who chose the prettiest flower in the whole garden. The two boys helping me in the show ring had treats and a flower

Words For Wednesday


Pecan Slab Pie

On Danny's days off, I'm happy to let him take over the kitchen. He is the most amazing cook, and he loves to come up with his own recipes and flavor combinations. It's truly a gift - one that I will gladly enjoy! My contribution to the menu last week was this delicious pecan slab pie. A slab pie is simply the ingredients for a traditional, round pie, but they're increased to make a larger batch. Then you can cut it into larger or smaller squares depending on how many people you're serving. If you love traditional pecan pie, you'll love this even more. Ingredients: 1 box refrigerated pie crusts (2 per box) 2 1/2 cups light corn syrup 2 1/2 cups brown sugar, packed 1/2 cup butter, melted 2 Tbsp vanilla 6 eggs 2 cups pecans, coarsely chopped 2 cups pecan halves 1. Remove crusts from box and allow them to come to room temperature, 1-2 hours. 2. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Lightly spray a 13x9-inch baking dish with nonstick spray. 3. In a large bowl, combine corn s

Conversations With Both God And Man

Words are one of the most important ways we can communicate with other people. Conversations build relationships, answer questions, share information, and contain encouragement. In our words is the power of life and death, as Solomon wrote in Proverbs 18:21. These same conversations, when we have them with God through prayer, move to a whole other level. A relationship with God brings salvation. Questions are answered by the only One who knows all the answers. We are continually learning and continually receiving encouragement from the Lord Himself. This is why Psalm 99 is so fascinating. The writer goes back and forth between instructing the people and praising the Lord. He speaks to the Israelites, then turns to speak one-on-one with God. Then he turns again and speaks to the people.   The LORD reigneth; let the people tremble: he sitteth between the cherubims; let the earth be moved. The LORD is  great in Zion; and he is  high above all the people. In the first two verses, the psalm

Sandpaper Sunday

Have you ever found something strange in a weird place? While looking for a certain package of decorator paper that I need for my travel scrapbook, I found a box full of sandpaper. Now, I've used a small piece of sandpaper to distress the edges of card stock for a weathered look, but this is way beyond that. And I don't remember collecting this much sandpaper all in one place. I pulled it all out just to make sure that was the only treasure in the box, and it was. But my discovery made me smile, too. For Shark Week, we taught two youth group lessons on sharks with the theme that Jesus is the greatest King of all! We played videos of sharks swimming on the big screen, matched up pairs of the deadliest - and friendliest - of sharks, and wore matching shark bracelets for a week. And one of the coolest facts we learned is that a shark's skin feels much like a piece of fine-grit sandpaper. We passed around a sandpaper block to give them an idea of what it would feel like to hug

Callie Dee - Best Tiny Dog In The Whole Wide World

This past week we had to say goodbye to our little bit. Callie had a herniated disc in her back that cut off the nerve to her back end, and she lost all function of her legs and her systems. We made the difficult decision to let her go, and we are heartbroken. I'll just leave these here. 

The Story Of A Life Is Hinted At In A Cemetery

One of my favorite places to explore is a cemetery. And it's not just because I'm married to a funeral director. The older I get and the more I love history, the more interesting graveyards become. They go from just a yard full of stones to the last stories of a person's life. I was in a local cemetery this week looking for this particular grave. We often share the military history of our county when visitors come to our office, which includes the oldest Civil War soldier and three Medal of Honor winners. Then we learned about this tiny cemetery with a man who had served in the Revolutionary War. Now I want to learn his story and how he found his way to Iowa from North Carolina. One of the other fascinating stones had this poem on it, one that I learned was popular all over the country at this point in time: Remember friends as you pass by As you are now so once was I As I am now so you shall be Prepare for death and follow me. A handshake on a stone can mean several things

Papercraft Backgrounds With Patterned Paper

The foundation of any card, scrapbook page, or papercraft of any kind is its background. The possibilities are literally endless, but combining colors, patterns, and techniques will create a one-of-a-kind finished project that you'll be proud to show off. I decided that since my birthday is only 12 days away, I should probably try to finish my birthday scrapbook from last year. That means starting with some backgrounds of my own, and they don't have to be terribly complex. Sometimes a torn-paper border is all you need, especially if the images you're using are full of colors and patterns themselves. Large, bold patterns pair perfectly with more intricate photos. For these pages, all I did was trim the decorator paper down just smaller than the book so there would be a brown border around the page Layering papers also creates a visually attractive background. I'm not a big fan of straight lines layered in top of straight lines and in the same way - I'm just picky tha

Words For Wednesday
