Happy First Day Of Fall 2023 - And a Bucket List!

It's the first day of fall, and I hope I'm not the only one excited about it! This is my season - the colors, the crisp air, the smells, the flavors, and the need for sweaters and fuzzy socks. Throw in a fluffy blanket and some apple cider and you've just designed my perfect time of year. Whether you're totally on board with the change of seasons or you're gripping the last moments of summer with all your strength, let's make a plan for the fall. A bucket list, if you will, with everything you'd like to tackle between now and the end of November. I've put together a fun graphic for you with just a few ideas to start your creative flow. You can make one of your own - on your phone, on a pretty piece of paper, printed off the computer or tacked to corkboard on the kitchen wall. Or use a clipboard so it's portable and you can take it in the car. Not sure what to put on your fall bucket list? Check out your local tourism office's website. If the conv...