A Week Of Being A Doer

I have so many paper craft supplies stored up in our craft room. There are papers, embellishments, templates and doodads everywhere just waiting to be used. I even have two shelves full of idea and instruction books so I can learn something new and different any time I want.

But what happens when I never go down to the craft room with the intention to get a project done? I just bring more supplies, more books and more stuff and leave it there. It's simply a collection of potential pretty things, but I never actually use any of it.

This is what Paul is talking about in the fourth chapter of the letter to the church at Philippi, only he was talking about spiritual knowledge and wisdom, not craft supplies.

Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do; and the God of peace shall be with you. Philippians 4:9

These believers learned, received, heard and saw, but Paul wanted more from them. He wanted them to take that head knowledge and turn it into life-changing wisdom. They needed to take everything they knew and put it into practice, apply it to their lives and grow in their walk with the Lord. It was like taking the scrapbooking paper out of the racks and turning it into something beautiful.

Make this a week of being a doer. I pray that you'll spend the next seven days taking all of the knowledge you have stored up in your mind and turning it into something beautiful in God's eyes. Use it, apply it and let God change you little by little into the mature, useful vessel He knows you can be. Surrender your week to Him and let Him do the rest.


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