How To Be Victorious Over Temptation

Part of living as a victorious Christian woman is understanding that you will be bombarded with temptation. The enemy would like nothing more than watching you stumble and give in to his trap. He knows exactly what your weak spots are, and he'll hammer at them ruthlessly some days while gently nudging you other days.

You will more than likely be faced with temptation sometime today. Your temptation may be to overeat, to gossip, to lie or to be just plain lazy. Today might feel like an obstacle curse as you try to avoid your stumbling blocks, or it might be a huge roadblock that hits all of a sudden. Each of us is different, but the devil's plan is still the same - separate you from the Lord, steal your joy and strain your emotions.

But God has all the ammunition you need to avoid temptation, protect your testimony and come out stronger on the other side. I pray these weapons will come in handy this week as you head out onto the battlefield.

1. Stop and identify the temptation. It's more than likely you know where your temptation weaknesses are, but there's a root cause of them, too. If it's eating too much or eating junk food, understand how you react in those situations. If it's spending money you don't have, delve into the reasons you feel the need to spend. There's a reason you do what you do, and the devil knows what it is - so you need to, too.

2. Turn to God in prayer. He knows what you have need of in this exact moment, and He is waiting to hear your voice in prayer. Let Him know that you are weak in this situation and ask for His strength, courage and endurance. Then be confident that He heard you and will give you the perfect answer.

3. Remove the temptation completely. Move the food out of sight. Don't answer. Hide your credit card. Delete that contact from your phone. Set yourself up for success.

4. Or remove yourself from the situation. Practice self control and walk away. Close the refrigerator door and leave the room. Bite your tongue instead of saying something without thinking. Go somewhere else until your anger passes. After shedding the old you at salvation, you don't have to react the old way anymore. In God's strength you can do anything.

5. Immerse yourself in Scripture. Have a verse or two handy to use as a mantra when temptation strikes. Try "Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world." Or "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Or "Submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee." The enemy hates to be around God's word, so have it in the front of your mind and speak it out loud.

6. Christ is the perfect example of what to do and say in the face of extreme temptation, so reread Matthew 4 and Luke 4. He stood up to the enemy's attacks, and you'll see exactly how He used Scripture to defeat him.


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