Make Every Friday Finance Friday

On this first Friday of 2017, let's make this the first week of a year of saving money. In the last days of the year, we often wish we had started some kind of savings plan the year before. This year, let's be doers and not just talkers.

Don't know where to start or how much to save? Take a look at your budget and see what's reasonable. You can be frugal and save quite a bit each week, or you might be able to afford only a little. Keep reading and see how even a little in savings each week makes a difference.

* If you save one penny on January 1, two pennies on January 2 and so on through each day of each month for a year, you'll save $57.38.

* If you frequently pay in cash, save every $5 bill you get. You'll save a few hundred dollars in a year.

* If you fill a 2 liter pop bottle with dimes, you'll save about $500 in a year. This really adds up if you include all your change.

* If you save $10 per week, you'll save $520 in a year.

* If you save $25 per week, you'll save $1,300 in a year.

* If you save $1 the first week of January, $2 the second week and so on through December, you'll save $1,378 in a year.

* If you save $1 on Monday, $2 on Tuesday and so on through to $7 on Sunday, you'll save $1,456 in a year.

* If you save $55 on January 1, $54 on January 2 and so on through each month, you'll save $1,500 in a year.

Whatever plan works best for you, stick with it. Set aside your savings money before you buy anything nonessential each week. Just a little now will add up to some substantial in the weeks and months to come.


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