My Favorite Books Of 2022

It's been quite a year. There have been so many ups and a few downs, but there has always been time to read a good book! I usually read two or three books a week, and that has been both exercise for my mind and good for my soul. It's so difficult for me to pick my favorite books of the year - that's like telling the dozens of others that they're not worthy. And I don't need that kind of negativity in my life. Instead, I chose seven books that were just what I needed when I needed it, and my favorite sentence or two from each one. Hoepfully they will encourage you to read even more in the coming year, like they did for me. Washington's Spies by Alexander Rose. "Inventing a workable code from scratch is a tall order. Today's cryptographers (who create codes, as opposed to cryptoanalysists, who break them) are fortunate enough to work for intelligence agencies able to draw on many decades of institutional experience. [Benjamin] Tallmage had no such luck. H...