A Week Of Self-Care

Humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he cartel for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7

If you're anything like me, you're probably carrying around some baggage as you begin this new week. Everything you didn't get done last week, everything you have to do today and everything you're planning for the future become bags of weights that drag you down and make you drag your feet.

This isn't what God intended for your life. He would rather you give all your problems, worries, concerns and prayer requests to Him. He can handle the weight, and He knows quite well that you can't. He calls to you, telling you to drop all those extra cares at His feet so you can walk with Him unencumbered.

After praying for release from these burdens and leaving them at the feet of God, here are some ways you can do a little self-care this week. You're not being selfish when you take care of yourself, but preparing your vessel for whatever the Lord has planned for you in the days to come.

* hydrate plentifully during the day
* get out and take a quick walk
* eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible
* breathe deeply - in for 4 seconds, out for 6 seconds
* plan at least two times each day to stretch and exercise a little

* talk to at least one friend every day
* do something fun and make yourself smile
* do something creative like draw a picture or write in a journal
* give yourself a day away from social media
* invite someone you'd like to know better out for coffee

* post your favorite Scriptures where you can read them each morning
* start a praise journal
* read the Proverbs chapter that corresponds with the day of the month
* set up a prayer closet and start with 10 minutes of uninterrupted prayer every day
* set a note that lets someone know you're praying for them

* play a brain-sharpening game
* do a mind dump each morning so you don't have to try to remember everything
* give yourself 10 minutes of silence somewhere in your day
* take a class that gets you out of your comfort zone
* try one daily activity that doesn't require you to sit in front of a screen


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