Time Well Spent

If your life is anything like mine this summer, you're just as busy now as you were the previous six months of the year. We're jam-packed with visitors and vacations and the normal everyday things that keep us busy and tax our minds.

* Cleaning the house every day is hard work, and it takes some time.

* Planning meals and shopping for food is hard work, and it takes some time.

* Keeping up my creativity and running a home business is hard work, and it takes some time.

* Maintaining my Bible reading and prayer schedules is hard work, and it takes some time.

* Staying in touch with friends and family is hard work, and it takes some time.

* Writing checks for the 106 missionaries that our church supports is hard work, and it takes some time.

* Running around the neighborhood every day with the girls is hard work, and it takes some time.

* Exercising and taking care of my body is hard work, and it takes some time.

* Providing for my husband's needs and wants is hard work, and it takes some time.

* Preparing for Vacation Bible School is hard work, and it takes some time.

* Planning for the future is hard work, and it takes some time.

But then I remember why I do every single of one the things listed above. In some small way, when I invest my time in people, I am serving as Christ's hands. When I speak kind words I am serving as Christ's voice. If I allow Him to do His work through me, I am spending my time in the most precious way possible.

Plan your time wisely this week and listen for how God would have you spread yourself across your planner.


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