Sea Shells In Glass

We came back from Myrtle Beach yesterday and I had the urge to change out the sea shell display in our dining room. After several trips to the coast in the past few months, there were definitely plenty to play with.

I have tons of these glass pebbles around the house, and you can find them at the dollar store by the bag-full. The tall glass box came from the thrift shop, so all of the parts to make this display were found on the cheap.

Start with a handful of pebbles at the bottom of the jar, then press each shell against the glass facing outward. Fill in the spaces with more pebbles to hold them in place. Alternate pebbles and different sizes of shells up to the top, covering the opening with pebbles to finish it off.

You can do the exact same thing with sand, rocks or other tiny bits to create different looks. Adjust the colors and sizes to fit your home's decor or color scheme.


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