Celebrate Summer On The Cheap

We all have plans for the summer months - barbecues, travel, stay-cations, decorating and play dates in the back yard. The high temperatures seem to drive us to be busier in the name of summer fun.

And then comes the reality of summer spending. We have to have new this and that just to have a little fun. There is our summer reading list, vacation expenses and the need for summer clothes. Not to mention what you'll spend if you want to entertain.

Instead of shelling out tons of money for your summer plans, hit the right stores and you'll clean up on all your activities. Check the library for your favorite books. Look at the clearance racks before you look anywhere else. Make use of those coupons that you get the in mailbox.

Then there are my two shopping staples: the thrift shop and the dollar store. Keep your spending to a minimum by checking them first, and then head elsewhere. The following is just a sample of what I found available this week.

Thrift Shop:
* Luggage
* Clothes
* Photo albums
* Baskets
* Electric fans
* Outdoor lighting
* Videos and music
* Books
* Tote bags
Make sure you check all electrical pieces at the store before you purchase them.

Dollar Store:
* Drinks
* Snacks
* Popsicles
* Water toys
* Party favors, cards and gift wrap
* Wedding gift bags and tags
* Cook out supplies
* Sunscreen
* Tote bags
* Hats
* Straws
* Matching cups, bowls and plates
* Flip flops


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