An Important Talk With Your Husband

It's become quite clear over the past weeks and months that the devil is actively attacking families. We've seen more arguments, fights, separations and divorces recently than ever before. This is a sad, scary battle that we have to fight just as ferociously.

One component of married life that he would like to destroy most is conversation. I don't know about you, but Danny and I don't get to talk as much as I'd like. As the wife of an undertaker there are probably times when I don't particularly need to hear from him at work, but the more we can talk with our husbands, the tighter the hold God can have on our lives.

A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good it is! Proverbs 15:23

The Scriptures are chock full of God-inspired instruction on how to use our words. The first and most important person we should be using this godly speech with is our husband. Think of the joy you can bring into your home with just a spoken response. How good can you make a situation by speaking a carefully-chosen word?

The time we have with our husbands is precious, and we never know how many more days we have together. If we're diligent in making our speech kind and thoughtful, we can allow the Lord to bring joy and goodness in floods into our home.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:21

We don't realize the extreme, and sometimes devastating, power that our words can have on our husbands. With just a kind word we can turn their horrible day at work into a lovely, peaceful evening at home. Or our speech can knock him down one more rung on the ladder.

There are many times when I've said something in anger or haste and was immediately convicted of its harm. As hard and frustrating as it can be to live with someone day after day, the worst thing we can do is use angry and hurtful words. Our purpose in life is to be a helpmeet for our husband,s which includes lifting them up in any way we can.

I pray that you'll take the time to do a heart-analysis today and see what words are coming out of the abundance of your heart. Speak in the way you'd like to be spoken to and find those special words that will bring a smile to your husband's face. Your children, your family, your husband himself, and most importantly your Lord will all be touched by your efforts.


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