Spiritual Nutrition

I've been doing a lot of reading and research lately about feeding both the body and the soul. For some reason I've been extremely hungry for the Word lately, and I've spent a lot of time in my Bible and reading what other Christian women are doing to feed their soul.

So my questions for you today are: What do you do or where do you go for spiritual nutrition? When you're feeling hungry and empty, how do you find the satisfaction from God you need? If you could spend your time this week feeding any way you want, what would you choose?

For me personally, I love to curl up in my prayer closet and read - the Bible for starters, and then biographies of Christian women, commentaries on God's Word and blogs from women who are living everyday lives for Christ. That's how I get the nutrition I need to keep going in my service for the Lord.

Take some time to think and pray about these ideas, and then leave your thoughts for us all to share and feed on.


  1. I've thought quite a bit about your post, and I think one of the best ways I feed myself spiritually is to listen to large portions of Scripture. We have a GoBible, an electronic KJV Bible, read by Alexander Scourby. Living in a bus with four of my children, I rarely have uninterrupted time to just read, but I find that I have fewer interruptions and I am able to concentrate more when I have Scripture playing. I know there is also Online Bible, which has an audio feature, but currently mine does not work.

    Also, reading older books by folks who really walked with God has been a blessing. Lately, I've been reading, "The Pursuit of God," by AW Tozer. What an encouragement that has been!

  2. Lisa, I just got this book and am so excited to get started on it. There are a couple of other books on my night stand to be read first, but hopefully I'll get there soon. Thank you for the suggestion!


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