Making A Deposit In Your Memory Bank

Money concerns are everywhere - do we have enough to cover bills, how can we afford what we need, will there be anything left when we retire? And there are so many places to turn to try and find ways to save, to invest wisely, to be good stewards of God's money and to make sound financial decisions.

But I want to step away from all of that money talk for a minute.

Are we so wrapped up in finances and the future that we're forgetting to enjoy the present? I don't know about you, but money is tight right now. Yes, there are some immediate concerns and there are more on the way, I'm sure. Our financial situation is near the top of my prayer list every morning. I know that if I don't turn it over to God right off the bat, my day will be clouded with thoughts of bank accounts and debit cards.

I'd really like to do a 180-spin. I want to be so focused on God's immediate plan for my life that there's no time to think about our lack of "things." If I'm trusting that the Lord will provide what I need when I need it, I won't have to check the stock market or a financial web site. We can be so secure knowing that we shall not want that we can take time to enjoy the little things He's blessing us with every moment.

* Instead of pouring over coupons and menus for hours every week, I want to enjoy a picnic of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on the living room floor.

* Instead of starting the day checking the online bank statement, I'd rather read an interesting blog from another Christian woman living life to the fullest.

* Instead of struggling to make ends meet, I'd like to meet God in prayer and leave all my financial burdens at His feet.

* Instead of worrying about when the next paycheck is coming in, I would much rather take a walk around the block, holding hands with my husband.

* Instead of making cards just to sell and make some quick money, I want to go back to the mindset that I can share God's love through correspondence, praying over every card that leaves this house.

* Instead of searching for better deals on calling plans and cell phones, I'd much rather spend a few minutes on the phone, sharing a priceless moment with my parents, my friends and my family.

In the end, money will fade. Memories will last a lifetime.

If we're living victoriously for Christ, we can make hundreds of deposits every day into our Memory Bank. Those investments are so much more profitable than a few dollars and cents in a jar. And in the end, I would love to empty that memory bank on the table and smile, because God has blessed us with a few precious moments on this earth. Soon we'll be celebrating around the throne of God, and time well spent now is so much better than the money spent.

When was the last time you made a deposit in your Memory Bank? Today is the day.


  1. Laura, thank you for your kind comment on my blog, and for your prayers for us! The Lord has helped us over the hurdle and replaced almost all our lost appliances. Thankfully the a/c and refrigerator are ok!

    I really enjoy your blog. Especially your devotional. I tried to comment on one awhile back, but had trouble. It was about David and Jonathan - it seems that the backbones of our churches, godly relationships, are being slowly eroded. It is difficult to find someone, even in church, who has a passion for serving God.

    Keep up the encouragement! Thank you! Lisa


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