I Place My Trust In God

What a confident way for David to begin this Psalm, by telling God in no uncertain terms that he puts his complete trust in Him. Nothing wavers, David doesn’t change his mind and he doesn’t take it all back later. His trust belongs to the Lord alone.

What are you putting your trust in today?

Do you trust everyone to tell you the truth
Do you trust that telemarketer on the other end of that phone call?
Do you trust that people will follow through with what they say they’ll do?
Do you trust that the product you just ordered will do what they claim?
Do you trust leaders to be leaders?
Do you trust that you’ll get your money’s worth any time you make a purchase?

Were you able to answer all of these questions immediately, or did you hesitate a little? Chances are you’ve been hurt in the past and don’t give your trust away very easily anymore. That’s understandable with the world around us like it is these days. 

But here’s the good news - trust in God is never misplaced. He rewards our trust with blessings beyond anything we can imagine.

The request David makes at the beginning of this Psalm is for preservation. This word, preserve, means to put a hedge around, to guard and to protect. I often pray for a judge of protection around our property, our family and our church. I trust, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God honors these prayers and puts up those walls for me.

Are you putting your whole trust in God today? Is your trust misplaced elsewhere, or have you been wary of giving something so precious as your trust, even to God? Take these concerns to God in prayer and listen for His response to your heart. Turn your trust over to Him completely and you’ll be able to write Tried & Proven next to this verse in your Bible.


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