We Covet Your Prayers

This week we are traveling to Houston to be with Danny's mother. She is having breast cancer surgery at the MD Anderson cancer center tomorrow, the second time she has had this done. She is a cancer survivor, and we are praying this will be double-true in a couple of days.

Please pray for Charlotte Carrell over the next few days. She is a missionary's wife and the sweetest mother-in-law ever. Pray for the family as we gather to support her, and pray for traveling mercies for all involved.

Have a fabulous day in the Lord and say a prayer for us every time we cross your mind. Thank you in advance!

I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers day and night. 2 Timothy 1:3


  1. We'll be praying for all of you, especially for your mother-in-law, who is in need of the Lord's healing. Cancer is always a scary thing; we'll be praying for peace as well.

    God bless, Laura! Let us know how she comes through the surgery.

  2. Thank you so much! She is in surgery now and we'll go from there! Your prayers are so appreciated...keep them coming!


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