It's All About The Time

We were traveling for five days last week, and apparently that had a real affect on the girls, Bailey in particular. They stayed home with our house-sitting friends, and they weren't thrilled that we were gone. I'm terribly sorry that it wasn't more pleasant than it was, but everyone survived and the house is still standing. The girls get extra treats for that one.

So we'd been back in the house for about 10 seconds when it became clear that all our dogs wanted was our time and attention. We were still trying to unload the card and get settled in for some Chinese take-away, but two 55-pound black labs had other plans for us. I was "forced" to rub bellies, allow for the sniffing of clothes and get covered in puppy kisses.

And life couldn't be any sweeter.

It was a long five days being away from the dogs, but it must have been even longer for them. Danny asked if maybe the dog years theory works on time, too. If we were gone for five days, did it seem to them like we were gone for 35 days? Talk about separation anxiety!

And for them it wasn't about bringing them back a T-shirt or sending a post card from another state. All they wanted was some cuddle time and a couple of treats. Apparently the mindset of a puppy says that this moment, this very minute that we're living in right now, is the most important one ever. There's no past trauma or future concern like we humans have. It's just this glorious moment right now.

We walked yesterday morning for the first time in a week. You'd have thought they'd never been out of the house in their 8 years of life! That's when it really hit me that this was probably the best walk they'd ever walked, simply because it was the walk we were on right now. When we got back, we cuddled - probably the best cuddles we've ever had because they were the current, loving cuddles of the moment.

For our pets, it's all about our time and our attention. So let's share it in abundance today.


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