Seven Ways To Be Productive At Work

It’s been more than 6 weeks since I started my new job, and I’m absolutely loving it. Convention and Tourism is a great way to have an impact on the community and be part of something positive.

One thing I’ve had to readjust to is being productive in a work environment that isn’t our craft room at home. Here are just a few of the lessons I’ve learned again. I hope you’ll be able to use some of them, too, regardless of where your work space might be.

1. Set reasonable daily goals. Your motivation will fly out the window if you try to get too much in one day or in one sitting.

2. You control your time, not the other way around. Yes, important things may come up as the day goes on, but you decide what needs to be done when.

3. Get one big task done first. It might be something you’ve been dreading, or you may know a big deadline is coming up. Knock that project out first thing, and you’ll have momentum going for the rest of the day.

4. Fight procrastination in all its forms. You know you want to read those emails, scroll through social media and see what came in the mail. Those are all important, but make sure you’re not putting off what really needs to be done.

5. Use lists and organization to your advantage. Knowing exactly what needs to be done and when will save so much time and energy in the long run. You won’t waste time deciding what to work on next when you already have a checklist put together.

6. Communicate well. Whether it’s your coworkers, your boss, your employees or your customers, expressing yourself well will save confusion and headaches. And that means you don’t waste time repeating yourself and giving instructions or information more than once.

7. Leave your workspace clean at the end of the day. There’s nothing more demoralizing for me than to walk into a cluttered environment in the morning. But when I take five minutes before I leave and put things back in their place, it charges me up and gets me ready for the new day.

What are the best ways you’ve found to be productive and efficient at work?


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