Through The Bible In A Year - Starting The New Testament

If you’ve been following the Read Through the Bible in a Year schedule on the left side of your screen, you know that yesterday was the last day of the Old Testament. I pray that the journaling prompts you’ve been given have made you think, check your heart and draw closer to the Lord. There’s nothing that would make me happier than knowing you’ve changed because of God’s word.

Today begins the New Testament, and like I tell our elementary Sunday school class, the gospel is what the entire Bible points us to. Nothing compares to the story of Jesus’ birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection. It’s the essence of who God is, what He sent His Son to earth to do for His people. These words are literally life changing.

In the very first reading, we find so many stones of our Christian foundation:

  • the genealogy of Jesus Christ,
  • the birth of our Savior,
  • the arrival of the wise men,
  • Herod’s conspiracy and slaughter,
  • the ministry of John the Baptist,
  • Jesus’ baptism,
  • Satan’s failed temptations,
  • the calling of His disciples,
  • and His first preaching, healings, miracles and exorcisms.

All of these wonderful stories are contained in just the first four chapters of the first book of the gospel story. Doesn’t that excite you to dive into the Scriptures every day? I’ll look forward to seeing you here often to finish the year and the New Testament growing closer to the Lord.


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