Calvary Baptist Church Chili Cook Off 2018

For as long as people can remember, October has been special at our church because of our chili cook off. It's supposedly all in fun, although some people take it very seriously. All you win is a certificate and bragging rights for the upcoming year. Danny placed second in the hot category this year - I'm so proud of him!

By the time I got through the first chili line and over to the dessert table, this is what it looked like. The gym was packed with people, and I think many of them started with desserts while they were waiting. I'm keeping that in mind for next year...

There was a lot of conversation about what the best toppings are for chili. Some people swear by sour cream, while others won't eat it without cornbread. Crackers are always a staple, and the corn chips were flowing freely. The cheese bowl emptied quickly, too, so there were lots of favorites out there. What are your picks for the best chili toppings?


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