On My Bookshelf This Week

For some reason, it's been difficult for me to find a lot of extra time to read lately. Busyness in other areas of my life has made me feel like reading is a luxury, which has probably hurt my heart more than I know.

So a few days ago I decided to correct this problem by pulling out a handful of books and diving right in. They cover four different topics, and I've already finished two of them. Here's what I've been reading:

* Studies in the Sermon on the Mount by Oswald Chambers. Our upper elementary school Sunday School class has just started the New Testament in its study through the Bible book by book. Originally published in 1960, this book covers Matthew 5-7 in great detail, which is perfect timing for our study. Chambers used amazing alliteration (see what I did there?) to show the connections between God's character and our conduct as believers. If you want to see Jesus' sermon in a different light, you'll love this book.

* How to Read a Graveyard by Peter Stanford. I ordered this book from the National Funeral Directors' Association because the title caught my attention. The author toured several cemeteries throughout Europe, explaining the meaning and importance of where we bury our dead. The funeral director's wife in me loves the truth and honesty of where people have chosen for their final resting place, and as a Christian I'm learning how burial has been viewed as a connection to God throughout human history.

* Extraordinary Faith by Sheila Walsh. This is the first of her books I've read, and she's captivated me from the beginning. How often are we crushed when our plans go awry? Far too often, she writes. God's not walked away or forgotten about us. He's simply working a series of events and influences for our greater good. I can't wait to read the rest of this one.

* The Crafter's Guide to Taking Great Photos by Heidi Adnum. When your business is mainly online like ours is, photos are critically important. This step-by-step guide explains how to improve your photo composition, use all the settings on your camera and learn from professionals who have had success in their own photography. This is a book I know I'll go back to time and again.

What's on your bookshelf this week?


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