Operation Christmas Child's Shoeboxes

In less than two weeks our church will be hosting its Operation Christmas Child shoebox packing party! It's one of the highlights of the year, as we fill boxes to change life with the gospel story.

For those of you who don't know, Operation Christmas Child is part of Samaritan's Purse, an international relief organization. Through OCC, shoeboxes full of hygiene products, clothes, school supplies and toys are sent around the world. The most special inclusion, even beyond these small treasures, is booklets about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Churches, individuals and groups all across the country will spend the first part of November gathering needed items and packaging them in shoeboxes for travel around the world. They will be distributed by volunteers who teach about the love of Christ so children in need receive the greatest gift of all.

Every Wednesday night for the past few weeks, we've spent the first few minutes of our prayer meeting watching videos of children - now grown - who received OCC shoeboxes. These children who had next to nothing were given boxes full of things they'd never even seen, let alone had for their very own. But most special were the hope and love that were packed along with them. I've sat and cried along with them as they thanked shoebox packers for this little gesture that completely changed their lives.

So in just a few days we will pack boxes, praying over them and asking God to work more miracles int he hearts and lives of children around the world. Please find a way to be a part of this project yourself, even if it's just praying for us as we put them together. Heaven will be just a little bit sweeter when we get to meet all the precious people who made a decision for Jesus Christ because of the shoebox they received.


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