Go Be A Blessing

It's the middle of the night, the deepest part of our sleep cycle, when the phone rings. In an instant, Danny is up and getting his suit on. No matter how late, how early, how stormy or how often, my husband is ready to go help a family in need.

As the wife of a funeral director, I've learned not to make plans when he is on call. We don't leave town very often, we don't go out to dinner on a regular basis and we don't have company over when we know the phone could ring at any moment.

This may sound boring and inconvenient, but it's part of our daily life. Danny has the honor and privilege of being there when our community needs him most. We don't see it as something to deal with, but something to embrace.

By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. Hebrews 13:15-16

Whenever Danny leaves the house to go help a family, I say the same four words: go be a blessing. I've done this for 12 years, and it still holds the same meaning for both of us that it did then. It is never routine for me - I never say it just because I've always said it. In the middle of the night, early in the morning and throughout the day, I pray that my husband will go be a blessing wherever his job takes him.

You can use this same phrase to send your own family out the door each day. It will remind them of the impact they have on the people around them, whether they're at work, at school or just out shopping. Everyone can make a difference, and maybe they just need a few words from you to realign their hearts with God's will in their lives.

So today, as your front door opens and closes, encourage your loved ones to be a blessing. The result could be just the change our world needs.


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