Personal Goal Setting

On my birthday each year I set some personal goals for the upcoming year. Then I spend the next 12 months referring back to that list, praying over how I can improve myself, my relationship with the Lord and my service for Him.

Last year I had a fairly short list.

* Set up my own prayer closet. I had so much fun working on this goal. I did a prayer walk through the house to find just the perfect spot for my Bible study and prayer time. The Lord led me to the recliner chair in the living room, which is next to a window and a side table. It's also underneath a great light, and there's plenty of table space for my basket of books, notebooks and pens. That chair has now been bathed in prayer, and the time I spend there is extremely precious.

* Be a better correspondent. Writing letters, sending e-mails and making phone calls are not my strong suit. I'm the first to admit that I get wrapped up in my own little world and neglect those who love me the most. In some ways I made some strides in this area over the past year, but I have a long way to go. I really want to be able to build stronger bonds with my friends and family, so this is one to continue. Luckily I can duplicate this one on next year's list.

* Finish The 12 W's of the Christian Woman and get it published. This one was super-important to me, and I received my first copies of the completed book just days before my birthday. Writing a book and knowing that it's being read by Christian women around the world is one of the most amazing accomplishments of my life. I praise God every day for allowing me to serve Him this way.

* Start a blog. You're reading it now, so I must have accomplished this one. Seriously though, I wanted a place where Christian women could go for Bible study, a little encouragement and some practical tips for living a victorious life. There aren't many places like that in this world, so I'm glad you're here.

* Expand one of my hobbies into a business. And this one is one of my favorites. Right after the first of the year I opened a shop on etsy to sell my handmade Christian greeting cards. I've now sent packages off to women around the country and to the other side of the world. It's just another way that I can spread God's Word to as many people as I can, plus add a little income to our home. It's a double blessing!

And now I have a new list to work on. I'll talk to you in a year and let you know how it goes. You don't have to wait for your birthday to set some personal goals for your life. If you want to get out of debt, write the next great novel, get a new job or just improve your relationship with the Lord, set some practical goals and get to work!


  1. Hi, Laura - what a great idea! I haven't been very good about really thinking about my goals and setting timelines for them. Do you mind if I borrow this? It must be encouraging to be able to take stock of what you've accomplished. Happy Birthday! - Robin

  2. Please...that's what it's here for. It's also a great way to see exactly where the strengths and weaknesses are in your life - it was really eye-opening for me this year. And thank you! It was a wonderfully happy birthday!


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