A Hidden Testimony

The woman sitting in front of me Sunday morning was a visitor - I had only seen her there once before. She was wearing the most beautiful summer dress with a huge, lovely floral print. Now, because she was sitting right in my sight line to the preacher, I had to notice this lovely fabric.

Then it caught my eye. Right on the edge of one flower petal were three little lines - one of them was rounded like a mountain and the other two created a cross coming out of it. I quickly looked elsewhere in the pattern and didn't see anymore, so I knew it wasn't intentional. But it was powerful.

I have no idea if this woman knew she had a rendering of Mt. Calvary on her back. I know I rarely look at the back of my clothing. So for over an hour I was looking at the picture of the ultimate sacrifice worked into the patter of a piece of fabric.

But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. Acts 20:24

Imagine if this woman had been standing in line at the restaurant after church and someone who was lost saw the exact same thing. Talk about conviction! Or what if someone had started a conversation with her about the Lord simply because that image was visible. She might never have known why they approached her, but it could change someone's life.

We have absolutely no way of knowing how the things we say and do can affect someone today. A tract left in a grocery cart can get someone thinking. A smile from a woman carrying her Bible can start a conversation. God has great plans for us if we're willing and ready to be used.

Share the Gospel always, and when necessary, use words.


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