Hello Cupcake!

Saturday was a fantastic day at our house - my dear friend Renee and I had a cupcake party to celebrate her birthday! We spent the morning at a local cupcake shop and then came back to play and make our own recipes.

We used a couple of different kinds of box cake mix for the cupcakes themselves and got fancy with the toppings. The best part, though, was when we realized that the mixer motor hand burned out and we'd be making everything by hand...fun times. Fun times.

The one I really wanted to try was the sugar-berried cupcake. We learned several things about fruit, particularly that frozen berries turn into wet berries when thawed, which in turn means that the sugar won't stick and stay crystallized. When it says use an egg wash first and then coat the berries with sugar...do it!

The second row is filled with a vanilla cream mix that gets poured in before you decorate. I absolutely adore the Pillsbury frosting in a spray can. If you haven't tried it yet, you'll be hooked immediately. We used that on the tops of one set of cupcakes, and then garnished with some fresh strawberries. Yummy!

The next set were my absolute favorites - the strawberry shortcake cupcake! You make the cupcake a little larger than normal, then split it is half. A layer of frosting and several slices of strawberries get sandwiched in the middle. Then we drizzled a warm raspberry glaze over the top - wow!

We had a few cupcakes left over, so we injected those with the raspberry glaze and topped them with fudge frosting. Not bad for a couple of box mixes, some fruit and a broken mixer.

So our house got cupcakes, Renee's house got cupcakes and Danny's funeral home got cupcakes. It was a sweet weekend all around.


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