One Of Those Days

Did you ever have one of those days that was so overbooked before it ever got started? When you'd like to cancel today for lack of interest just because you've seen your to-do list?

I've had several of those lately...they've been wonderful, blessed days, but they've been terribly busy. By the time they're over I feel overwhelmed and exhausted. Is this how God intended for me to live my life for Him?

These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. Acts 17:11

If I don't start my day with Bible reading, I can tell it for the whole rest of the day. There are many, many things on that pad of paper that need to get taken care of today, but if I'm not in God's Word first, none of it matters.

Bible study is God's time to speak to us. We're holding the voice of the Lord in our hands, and there's so much there to delve into. When Luke wrote this verse of Acts, it was to encourage us to receive Scripture with a ready mind and a willing heart. If we take the time to start the day in the Bible, we're allowing God to set up direction for our day - how nice to have some divine direction!

And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. Mark 1:35

Jesus Christ is our perfect example of how to live life for God. In this verse He woke before the day began and spent time alone in prayer. There's no better time than early to speak to the Lord. Many mornings I pray before I ever swing my feet over the edge of the bed. There are so many things I want to thank Him for and let Him know are on my mind.

And Jesus prayed in a solitary place, away from the eyes and distractions of the world. The best prayer times are have are in my prayer closet, hidden away from everything on that to-do list. Oh, I'll get around to as many of them as I can, but these moments in prayer belong to the Lord.

And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Colossians 3:17

Finally, we must be choosy about what goes on that to-do list today. I imagine there are many things I've written down that are simply "extras," chores I'd like to accomplish or maybe something I'd just really like to do for myself. But how many of them are really for our service and the glory of God?

Several of the things I've jotted down will only take a minute - my short-term memory is horrible, so I write them down while I'm thinking of them. A number of my to-do's are chores around the house that need to be done today. These are part of my calling as a wife, because keeping the house is a Biblical command. These will get done first, as the plan is laid out.

Many others center around my greeting card business, my book and my blog. Each of these are special projects that I have dedicated to the Lord, but they are extras, too. My workout is tucked in there this morning so that I have strength and energy to serve God for the rest of the day. And then there's fun stuff like working on the song we'll sing for church Sunday night and working on a scrapbook page. These things are necessary to keep me sane, but they come after all the requirements of the day.

So let's plan our days around the Scripture, our prayer time and our service to the Lord. Everything else we add in is our own fault!


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