Lemon-Blueberry Trifle

One of the joys of summer is being able to pull out all of those great hot-weather recipes. I had been waiting for a warm, steamy day for ages to make this Lemon-Blueberry Trifle, a favorite in our house. One of my dear sisters in Christ gave this to me several years ago and it's been a go-to recipe ever since.

There's really no recipe, just a list of ingredients.

2 cups of fresh blueberries
1 can lemon pie filling or two boxes of lemon pudding mix
2 - 6oz containers of lemon yogurt
1 baked angel food cake, cut into squares
2 containers of Cool Whip, thawed

Mix the pie filling and yogurt together.

Layer cake, filling, blueberries and then Cool Whip.

Repeat the layers, ending with the Cool Whip on top. Sprinkle with the last blueberries.

The cake will soak up the filling rather quickly, so eat fast - or store it in a tightly sealed container for a day or two. Trust me though, you'll go through it quickly, it's that good!


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