Can It Be Healthy And Taste Good?

Last week my wonderful loving husband did the most special thing I could ever ask - he took me to a grocery store I'd never been to. Several miles from where we live is a tiny local market with its own deli and many aisles of fresh and organic foods. Unfortunately I was not allowed to live there indefinitely.

Fresh? Organic? Does that mean it's all green or brown with no taste?

Look at this gorgeous spice cake and you tell me! It's made from a Namaste cake mix - completely free of gluten, wheat, soy, nuts, potato, corn, dairy, and casein. For someone with allergies (or just wants something healthy) this is the perfect option.

This cake was the most moist, spicy dessert we've had in ages. I mixed in a large jar of mandarin oranges to up the health factor and it was the perfect combination. I ate two pieces the other night all by myself - does that negate the healthiness of it? I sure hope not!

It's so important to take care of your body by being careful about what you put inside it. Paul said that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost, so we're really taking care of a special, holy place. Making wise decisions about our eating just makes sense!

So step out of your comfort zone this week and find something both healthy and tasty. It's out there, you just may have to look somewhere different to find it.


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