Getting Teens Interested In Scripture With A Magnetic Word Game

I'm always looking for fun ways to get our youth group interested in reading their Bibles. For the month of August, our Sunday school lessons are revolving around subjects they'll be learning about in school this year, and then we're applying them to their spiritual lives. The first lesson was Reading and Writing, so I made an interactive, magnetic Scripture game.

Since I'm cleaning out my craft inventory instead of buying new supplies for every project, I used a couple of sheets of cardboard and a package of magnets I found in the back of a drawer. I'm also hesitant to admit it, but I forgot all about this bag of Sharpies. Yes, it's very much like Christmas at my house right now!

 I chose five verses of Scripture and wrote each word on a piece of cardboard. The pieces are cut large enough to hide the magnet on the back. I also made sure not to make all the words of one verse the same color, knowing that our kids would notice that right away.

Some of the magnets were self-stick, while the others just required a little bit of hot glue. In all, it took less than an hour to get them ready to go.

Yes, that's an oil drip pan. I use it for magnets at craft shows, and it's perfect because of its size. I mixed the magnets all up and let them have at it. On the last one, I challenged them to use the remaining words to create the verse without reading it to them. I'm so glad I didn't have to diagram those sentences. This was a great way to use up some supplies and do something completely different for our lesson. This weekend's subjects are Math and Science - stay tuned!


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