Dining Room Table Devotional Center

For the past few weeks I’ve had a craft table set up behind the living room couch. It’s been a place to work on my planner, make cards and get Stuff From Trees projects ready to put on Facebook. Now that I’m starting a new devotional, though, I’ve had to upgrade my workspace to the dining room table!

I do have to admit now that I’ve felt a little distant from God recently, and I know that’s my fault, not His. So when I thought back to the times when I was most connected to Him, it was when I was creating and crafting and doing daily Bible study - not just reading but digging deeper so I can grow. Having all the tools of this growth right here in one place is truly making a huge difference in my spiritual life.

Last week I started the newest Illustrated Faith devotional, Word Nerd, and nothing could be more perfect for me this month. It goes through four different ways to study Scripture, has tons of cute ephemera to decorate my journal as I go, and keeps me thinking and creating as I go.

So on my table I have my two Bibles - my note-taking Bible that goes to church with me and my morning devotional Bible that has notes, stickers, washi tape and other fun things inside. On my iPad I have an app with Matthew Henry’s commentary on the Bible, which is by far my favorite. He and I just click. 

And all those tools from my craft table are set up in here so they’re in easy reach. Then I can be inspired by the embellishments and keep studying without ever leaving my chair! It’s a great set up for me because I like to keep going when I’m in the Bible study groove. Having a place arranged where I can study to me heart’s content is wonderful. Where do you do your studying?


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