Psalm 143: Tried And Proven!

If you were to flip through any of my Bibles, you would find Tried and Proven written in many of the margins. Whenever God has given me the victory over something in my life, or when I’ve seen answered prayer connected to certain verses of Scripture, I write Tried and Proven in that space.

Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness. Psalm 143:1

I hate to admit it, but many of my prayers don’t begin the way David’s does here. Instead of giving the Lord all the praise and recognizing His holy attributes, I begin with the words help, do, change - all requests and demands on my part. On the other hand, David begs God to simply hear him, to listen and answer in all His faithfulness and righteousness. How humbling to read this example of prayer that is full of hope and faith in God to do what He says he will do. Tried and Proven!

For the enemy hath persecuted my soul; he hath smitten my life down to the ground; he hath made me to dwell in darkness, as those that have been long dead. Therefore is my spirit overwhelmed within me; my heart within me is desolate. Psalm 143:3-4

We can all relate to these words, especially right now. Enemies seen and unseen are threatening every aspect of our lives, and it’s exhausting. When we’re overwhelmed of spirit and shaken to our very core, hitting our knees in prayer should be our first action, not our last resort. David poured out his heart to God, knowing that He would listen and act on David’s behalf. Tried and proven!

I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works; I muse on the work of thy hands. Psalm 143:5

Here is one of the best answers to any questions about trust and unbelief - just remember what God has already done for you. Are you afraid today? Think back to how God helped you the last time you were afraid. Did God bless you the last time you needed Him? Mediate on that instead of the negatives. Have you seen bodies healed, lives changed and relationships repaired? Those are the works of God’s hands. He was able then, and He is able now. All we are asked to do is trust and obey. Think on those things, remember them, meditate on them and let your mind be filled with the truth of God’s word. Tried and Proven!

Hear me ... Cause me ... Deliver me ... Teach me ... Quicken me ... Psalm 143:7-11

When the time came, David didn’t ask for the situation he was in to change. He didn’t ask God to kill people, remove the evil people or move him to another place that would be less confrontational. David’s prayer was for his own heart to be changed. The longer we follow the Lord and the more we trust Him day by day, the more we understand that there will always be difficult circumstances around us. We can either spend our time asking God to change the world to fit our needs, or we can ask Him to change us, change our hearts and our minds, so that we can better serve Him in the world. Tried and Proven!

Hear me, Lord. Cause me to hear, Lord. Deliver me from my enemies, Lord. Teach me to do thy will, Lord. Quicken me for your sake, Lord. In the end, make me a better, stronger version of myself so I can follow you more closely and trust you more.

Tried and Proven!

What verses of Scripture have you, or could you, highlight and write Tried and Proven next to? Those nuggets from God’s word could change your heart and your mind forever.


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