Building Lives On The Word Of God

Yesterday was the first day our church had met together in the building in so many weeks. We were social distanced, of course, with no hand hakes or hugging, but it was lovely to see faces and smiles and waves. It seems like the longest weeks of our lives, and there was such joy in just being in the same room.

Whether our church members are together physically or virtually while watching on the Internet, it is so important to all of us to be growing and learning and reading more from the word of God. How blessed we are to have constant access to the Bible so we can immerse ourselves in its truth.

I think of how the foolish man built his house on sand and then watched as it came crashing down. Without the firm foundation of Jesus Christ beneath us, we will suffer the same fate spiritually. We can’t go it alone, no matter what we might convince ourselves. It’s so important to keep building, keep growing and keep learning who God would have us be.

This is how our lives are built strong - on the word of God. The opposite of shifting sand is a house built on the solid rock. Keep building. Keep adding brick after brick of God’s truth for the rest of your life. Then you’ll have a tall, strong, sturdy wall that won’t blow over in the breeze. Your wall will be a testimony of what God can do in a life. What a great life story you’ll have to share with the world!


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