My “Memorial Day” Planner Layout

Memorial Day is not just a three-day weekend or a time for barbecues and friends. For military families, especially, it is a time to remember those service members who have lost their lives defending our country and fighting for our freedoms. I pray we will take time this week to praise God for people dedicated to their service to America.

With this in mind, I filled my planner layout this week with “Don’t Forget” phrase stickers. We can’t take one moment of our lives for granted, knowing soldiers over many decades have given their lives so we could live these lives as we choose. We are the home of the free because of the brave.

God has not given up on America. He continues to bless us and fight for us, and we need to praise Him for those blessings every single day. Our soldiers, both past and present, sacrifice everything because they believe our nation is worth it. Let’s take time this entire week to thank God for all we receive and remember the soldiers who gave their last full measure of devotion.


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