On My Bookshelf At The End Of May

I wish I could say that I’ve done nothing but read over the last few weeks. Unfortunately, my days have been filled with working from home, getting ready to start our Etsy shop back up and the everyday ins and outs of owning your own home. What I am doing is making sure I read a little bit of something every day to keep learning and keep changing. Here’s what you’ll find on my bookshelf right now:

What Happens When Women Walk In Faith by Lisa Terkeurst. Such a good study on trusting God. While staying home as much as possible, it can feel like the world has stopped moving. I want to do things and make things happen, but this book is reminding me that God is working in this time too, I just have to be patient and wait on His timing.

Psalm 119: An Exposition by Charles Bridges. Oh. My. Goodness. My heart has been desperate for God’s word lately, as I’ve honestly felt like I’m just going through the motions. This book was first published in 1827, which seemed a little daunting at first, but I’ve really connected with Charles Bridges and his writing style. His details in each and every verse of the Bible’s longest chapter are enlightening, as he saw many things in Scripture that I have never even considered. I’m now on verse 52 of 176. I’m getting there!

Shift Your Thinking for a Deeper Faith by Dean Del Sesto. Talk about needing to shift my thinking. It’s easy to get stuck in my thought patterns, mostly because it’s how I’ve always thought, but this book is challenging me to be more conscientious of why I do the things I do and think the things I think. Love it!

The Fabulous Showman by Irving Wallace. This is by far my favorite book I’ve discovered in ages. The title jumped out at me while I was perusing the books at Goodwill and something in my brain said, PT Barnum! Since I absolutely adore the movie The Greatest Showman, I couldn’t resist an autobiography about the man himself. Plus ... pictures!

What’s on your bookshelf this week?


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