Staying Near The Lord Every Day

It wasn’t until after the evening service last night that I realized both songs we sang for special music were about drawing near to God. It should have been obvious, I suppose, but it also means that He was doing something in our hearts and (prayerfully) in the lives of those who listened to the services online yesterday.

What it did make me think about was the importance of being as near to God has we possibly can.

But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works. Psalm 73:28

When we’re not staying as close to Him as we possibly can, we feel it.
We’re more frustrated.
Anger rears its ugly head.
Confusion sets in.
Relationships seem more difficult.
Our words have an edge to them.
We’re quick to speak and slow to listen.

But when we’re near the Lord in every way, we feel that, too.
We can choose peace over frustration.
Calm overrides the negativity.
Clarity of thought settles in when we need it most.
Love and compassion come before anything else.
Our words offer comfort.
We’re slow to speak and quick to listen.

I pray that this week we’ll each draw nearer to God than ever before. He never hides, He never plays games and He never fails to show us His path. We can enjoy all the precious promises our Lord has for us when we’re intentional about getting close and staying close. The perfect place to be is right by His side.


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