The Story Of David And Goliath Through The Eyes Of A Child

At this time I would like to thank the dollar store for stocking up on these adorable sticker books based on heroes of the Bible. Yes, I am 42 years old, but I have the best time using them in my Bible study. Sometimes you need something fun and silly to actually learn more about Scripture than just another adult workbook.

David’s story is the fourth activity book like this I’ve worked through, having already studied Noah, Joseph and Moses. What I love about studying this way, besides that I LOVE stickers, is that I begin to question what we’ve always been told are the facts of the story. What I’m learning is that we may have been taught a simplistic version of the Bible as a child, and then we never dig into Scripture and see if those details are true.

So when I work through the children’s book, I have my Bible and commentaries right there, too. Then I make notes in the margins and write out full verses of Scripture so I have the words straight from the Bible alongside the children’s paraphrased story. This makes me read and study, not just take for granted that I know what’s what.

Ok, now I’m done with the adult part of this study. On to the stickers! Each of these activity books have 12 pages of stickers and activities that relate to that portion of the story. After I make my notes in the margins from Scripture, I pull out my colored pencils and use the stickers from the center of the book to complete each page.

This may sound childish and something you’re beyond, but there’s something about playing a little that makes me dive into Scripture even more deeply. Instead of hurrying through my reading for the day or just reading a couple of paragraphs in a devotional, I’m reading and studying and meditating on what I’ve just learned. It slows me down for a little while and forces me to focus on the task at hand.

If you’re looking for a fun way to study Scripture and learn what it really says, I highly recommend looking at the stories through a child’s eyes. Find a sticker book, activity book or children’s Bible and get back to the basics of your faith. You’ll learn so much and possibly see God’s word in a whole new way. What Bible characters or subjects would you like to look at from a child’s point of view?


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