How Many Books Do YOU Read At Once?

For some reason, over the years I’ve convinced myself that I can only read one book at a time. It sounds so silly, I know, but sometimes my mind convinces me that it can’t comprehend well if I throw too much at it.

Yes, I have personified my own brain.

But what I’ve discovered recently is that my brain retains much more than it thinks it can. Maybe it’s because it’s older and more mature. Maybe middle-aged brains have more experience picking out what’s important and storing it away for later.

Yes, brain personification. It’s a thing.

Right now there are eight books on my study table, and I’m reading from each one of them every day. I never would have guessed I could do this, but it’s stretching and growing my Bible study chops. Each one has something different to say, and it’s so interesting to read multiple books on the same subject.

For my year-long study of the Psalms, I’ve been reading several commentaries and devotionals. Many years ago I would never written in a book let alone highlight one, but marking certain phrases and ideas helps me go back at the end of the day and review what I thought was important in the morning.

I’m also reading three other devotionals And a study book on witnessing, which give my mind some study verses outside the Psalms. I am especially enjoying the 40 Prayers for My Husband devotional, which helps me focus my prayers for Danny and intercede with God on his behalf.

How many books are you reading and studying right now? Is one enough or do you need a little variety in your life? I pray that, no matter what or how much you’re studying right now, God will show you things in His word that you’ve never seen before.


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