Your Use Of Scripture Definitely Affects Others

As we walked into the restaurant, the black letters on the white board caught my eye immediately. The writing wasn't huge, taking up only a fraction of the available space, but the size didn't matter. The words went from my eyes to my brain to my heart.

I've been struggling with a couple of things lately - nothing big, just situations I'm unsure about. So when this verse from Isaiah showed up unexpectedly, it instantly calmed me.

God, speaking through His prophet Isaiah, reminded His people that they had never been abandoned and they never would be. Waters, rivers, fires and anything else they faced could never tear them away from the side of their Creator and Lord. In the King James, the details are even more powerful.

When thou passes through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. Isaiah 43:2

What truly blesses my heart is the multiple use of the word "through." God doesn't always stop situations or change the outcome. What He does promise is to be with us continually as we're going through to the other side. We won't be in difficult times forever, and the promises of God are more than strong enough for us to cling through as we grow and change in the meantime.

I don't know what tomorrow holds for the situations I'm struggling with, but I do know God has promised to lead, guide and direct me through them. He has a perfect plan and a guarantee to be with me through it all. That's more than enough for me.


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