The Power Of The Written Word In 2018

If you're new to the Living As A Victorious Woman community, you've probably noticed the Daily Reading and Daily Writing spots in the sidebar. We're reading through the Bible in a year again in 2018, and the chapter references will outline where you can read for that day.

Second in importance to reading God's word is writing about it.

The salutation of Paul with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle: so I write. 2 Thessalonians 3:17

I am a huge proponent of bringing back the lost art of handwriting, and keeping a study journal is a perfect way to do just that. There's something about copying Scripture and answering questions with your own hand, holding your own pen, that helps the brain remember and recall information. By recording what you study and digging into what you've learned on a deeper level, you'll imprint verses and passages on both your brain and your heart.

So I encourage you to follow along with the daily reading schedule, grab a pretty notebook and pen and write out notes and answers to the daily questions. I pray that these two resources will help you draw closer to the Lord in the coming year, learn more about His character than you've ever known before and have a written record of how He is moving in your life.


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