Our Downstairs Coffee Cart

Danny's parents will be here in less than three weeks, so much of my spring cleaning emphasis has been in the prophet's chamber downstairs. I love being able to make that area special and cozy, a get-away just for them. And for this visit they'll have an added amenity - their own coffee center!

We used to have this rolling cart in the kitchen of our house in South Carolina, but there's been no room for it upstairs here in Iowa. It's been unused down in the basement, so now it will be put to good use. Our Vue is down there, too, along with a microwave for reheating if necessary.

Several small coffee products, plus enough cups for a couple of days are in one side of the cart. I also put the water kettle down there, with some loose tea and extra water cups. I'm excited to see what else they might need and add it to the collection.

Plus it's Molly approved. That's the best seal of approval you can have!


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