How To Pick A Craft Project When There Are So Many Choices

Surely you've never had this problem: you feel like crafting, so you go in search of a new project. You open up your closet, walk into your craft room or sit down at the table.

And that's as far as you get.

With all of your supplies, idea books and mind full of possibilities, it can get a little overwhelming.

OK, a lot overwhelming to be truthful. The shelves and piles and projects seem daunting, and it's pretty normal to just walk away without doing a thing. It's easier that getting caught under a falling avalanche of craft supplies.

So what's a woman to do when she wants to start a project but there are too many choices? Here are just a few ideas to jump start your creativity. (And yes, I'm taking my own advice this week!)

* Straighten things up. As you organize your workspace, you'll come across supplies you forgot you had, or something little will spark an idea. Stop whatever you're doing and run with it!

* Work in a circle around the room, closet or table. Start at the door and complete the first project you see. Then the next one and the next one.

* Read through one idea book and pick one project. Don't get bogged down reading - just latch on to one really great idea and see it through.

* Ignore all the ideas in your head and work on a project that you already have all the supplies for. This isn't the time to make a list of what you need to buy in order to finish a project. It's an opportunity to use up some things you've collected - no money needed!

* Find something that you've never done before and learn a new technique.

* Find something you're comfortable with and use some of your favorite techniques.

* Make one thing for someone else, and then make something special for yourself.

* When you leave your craft space for the day, leave the supplies for the next project out on your workspace. Then you won't have to think the next come you come in - you're all ready to get started!


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