Be Who You Needed When You Were Younger

I'm going to start this week by giving you two revelations:

1. You are older than someone.
2. You know something that someone younger than you doesn't know.

I know - earth-shattering, huh?

Well, it might be if you've never thought of yourself as mentor material. But when we look at the way our churches, towns and nation are deteriorating, the need for Titus older women is more necessary than ever before.

The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children; to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:3-5

You've probably read these verses dozens of times, but not putting yourself in the position of the "aged" women. I love that word, and it means just what is says - a woman with some age on her. We can each claim to be one of those, right?

Think back to when you were a babe in Christ. What were the topics you wished you could talk to any older, wiser woman about? Was it loving your husband in difficult times, how to juggle your household responsibilities or how to raise godly children? Maybe it was how she handled depression, stayed healthy or always had a smile on her face?

She was the kind of woman you needed when you were young.

Guess what. There's someone younger than you who needs you.

And you don't have to have some kind of a mentoring contract or organization to share what you know with a younger woman. You just need a heart that is humble and willing to share your walk with Christ with another woman, someone who might be desperate to learn what you already know. That is exactly what Paul was looking for in those Titus older women.

Here are just a few thoughts to get you started:

* Pray, first and foremost. You may think you're prepared to mentor or help a younger woman when you're still struggling with some issues of your own. Ask the Lord to cleanse your heart, check your motives and put the right women in your path. Only then will you see fruit for your labor.

* Look around at church in the coming week. Really look - is there a younger woman obviously struggling, someone going through some of the same struggles you did? Don't walk up trying to solve all her problems, but start a conversation and see where things lead.

* Invite one (or several, if you can handle it) teenage girls over for a day of baking. Many of our girls these days don't have the chance to learn real-world skills like cooking, cleaning or running a household. Why wait until they're grown and in a house of their own to instill some great skills and interests? Plus, they'll have fun making a mess in someone else's home!

* Set up a coffee date with a younger woman who has similar interests, background or family situation. Ask questions, share as needed and build a stronger bond with a sister in Christ.

* Ask your pastor's wife if there's someone going through things you can't easily see. She might be able to set up an opportunity to get together and talk with a young woman you wouldn't have first thought of. There are many questions bubbling under the surface, but you will never see them or be able to help you if you don't ask.


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