A Time Capsule For 2010

In just a few days 2010 will be a memory and we'll have new goals and plans for 2011. Before the calendar page flips, why don't we take a moment to remember all of God's blessings during the past year. All right, that might take longer than a moment, but what you'll see is more than worth the time.

To make my remembrance walk last until this time next year, I'm using a small notebook to jot down my thoughts, recollections and some mementos from these past 12 months. You can make a similar scrapbook or you might want to use a jar or box to hold some precious memories.

So...what to include in your time capsule?

* How did you begin the year? A party? With family? At home or work?
* Think back on last winter. Pull out your calendar and make some notes about major events from the first part of the year. Work your way through the seasons, marking those special days God blessed you with.
* Print out some pictures that highlight the activities of the year. Tape them into your book, label the people and explain why this particular moment was so special.
* If you're a crafter, turn this book into a keepsake with paper, stickers and drawings throughout. These are special memories, so make sure you use your own handwriting.
* Precious loved ones may have passed during the last 12 months. Give each one a page of their own filled with your thoughts and memories.
* Add in some Bible verses you found particularly meaningful this year. Did you do a Bible study on a specific topic or person? Write about it.
* Take note of the major milestones like starting a business, new children or grandchildren, birthdays and anniversaries. They only happen once and we will never meet this way again.

Put as much time into this project as you want, and then tuck it away somewhere special. Don't hide it so you won't find it again next December, because you'll want to look back as you make your new time capsule. It's amazing the blessings we forget when we're busy receiving new ones. Create a piece that will stir your own heart and touch the lives of others. That's what time serving the Lord is all about.


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