17 Days Until Christmas

You'd never know it is Christmas if you walked into our house right now. We have scheduled ourselves so tightly lately that there are only a scattering of decorations around our home. The occasional ornament and holly sprig don't seem to add a holiday feel to an otherwise ordinary day.

Some people feel that the decorations make it the Christmas season. Some hurry to get their decorations up so they'll be the first, the largest or the best. Others want to show off their talents, budgets and ideas. And the results can be glorious, lovely show pieces.

Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. John 14:23

The Lord wants our heart as His temple, a place where we worship Him constantly. Not suddenly at Advent and not with a show of tinsel and gold. If His abode, the very core of our being, isn't Christ-centered all year long, Christmas won't be a special time. It will be one more month to "get through" so we can get back to normal.

It doesn't matter if I put up a hundred Christmas trees or wrap the house in garland...if I'm not wholly and lovingly devoted to my Savior. The number of decorations will never be enough...if I'm focused on the trappings and not the Lord.

The heart attitude of a Christian woman is the only thing God is interested in. The decorations are for us...the year-round, growing relationship is for Him. Sure, I will bring down some Christmas decorations from the attic before the month is over, but they aren't the most important part of my Advent season. They aren't what brings the joy and peace to my heart.

That's my Savior. And He's on His way!


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