9 Days Until Christmas

The rush has ended momentarily. After a very busy few weeks I find myself with a whole day to myself. No Christmas parties, no planning, no deadlines and no errands. I can finally catch up on some writing projects, our etsy shop and the slightly neglected housework.

And then I realize...I am empty. I've given and written and crafted and sent and spoken and...I'm empty. My energy is drained and I think I'm coming down with a cold. The desire is still there, but I've run out of motivation. In a word, I'm human.

It is at these moments that I am blessed by God. It isn't a contradiction, but the beauty that is our Lord. We pack our calendars to tightly at Christmas time, and then run ourselves silly trying to accomplish it all. The source of all time, energy, love and courage, our God has an endless supply of everything we require to serve Him.

Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. Romans 15:13

When I am at the bottom of the barrel I don't have to rely on myself to get through. I can't rejuvenate my mind, soul and body, but God can. He can re-infuse me with the hope, joy and peace that are waning from my life. I may have created my own schedule with many ways to witness and share His love during the Christmas season, but it only through God's power and grace that I have the stamina to continue.

The only way to flourish during the month of December and not get into the traps of the world is to stay close to God's fountain. It is overflowing with all those blessings like energy, motivation, love, compassion, creativity and work ethic. If we start the day close to the Lord, we'll be filled to capacity with all we could ask or think. That is the joy that extends through and past Advent.

I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it. Psalm 81:10


  1. Laura,
    I've so enjoyed your posts during this Christmas season... this one especially spoke to me. God bless you, siser, and know that you are blessing lives through your writing - all glory and praise to God!

  2. Praise the Lord! It's my joy to study and grow in God's Word, and even more so when other hearts are touched. Thank you for your kind words and may your Christmas season be joyously blessed!


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