Peace - Part 4

There are several verses of Scripture that speak of our God of peace. Every time peace is spoken of in the Bible, it is reference to something the Lord has given us. Then why, when we have been given a precious gift like perfect peace, are we still tossed about in a sea of uncertainty?

For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Corinthians 14:33

We as Christian women have peace planted in our hearts. The difference between those who seem to thrive in a garden of peace and those who fight through the weeds of concern is acceptance. There has to be a conscious decision to say: Lord, I am yours.

Sometimes we find it incredibly hard to let God lead, guide and direct our paths. We get torn between faith and control over the circumstances. If only there were a bright, flashing neon sign that said, This is the right path over here!

That deep-seeded peace only comes when we lay down the need to wallow in confusion and take the God of Peace at His word. He has promised peace to His people and He has already fulfilled every promise He has ever made. That peace is lasting and continuous because those are quality traits of God Himself.

Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. Romans 15:13

Accepting the promises and path of God is what leads to peace in the depth of our souls. The longing and confusion come when we try to strike out on our own and work through things ourselves. That was never God's plan and it isn't His desire for our lives.

Imagine how God's heart breaks when we reject His peace simply because we think our plan is better than His. That's our flesh talking, and our ideas about the paths we should travel are faulty at best. Nothing I could dream up for my future could ever be as beneficial or as blessed as what the Lord has in store for me.

Being deeply rooted and focused on the path God has planned for us is the only road to peace. Instead of struggling through each day, let's start submitting to the will of God and relearning what it's like to be at peace. Perfect, deeply-rooted, all-consuing peace. That's the gift God has for us when we draw near to Him.

Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen. Romans 15:33


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