Peace - Part 3

Yesterday I wrote a bit about taking the control of your life out of your own hands and giving it to God. Our flesh tells us that this is a very difficult process and a very scary thing that probably shouldn't even be tried.

But you know what happens if you try to control all of those little, unpredictable situations that happen in your life every day. You get frazzled, worry wears you out and you turn into someone you never wanted to be. All because you didn't just turn things over to the Lord.

So all of the peace in your life is gone because you've gotten overwhelmed. You're stretched thin and being pulled in a hundred different directions. And know you're ready to give everything up and sit in the corner with your blankie...just until it all goes away.

The reason you don't feel that perfect peace of God in your soul is probably because you don't have peace with God Himself. If you did, it wouldn't be so difficult to hand over control. There's something inside the human brain that says, Keep it. Hold on to it. It's yours to wrestle with. But that's not God's path to peace.

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength. Isaiah 26:3-4

Lately I've watched some lovely, older, saintly ladies battle with health problems, the death of husbands, the potential death of husbands and many other situations that come with the passage of time. What separates these ladies from those of the world (and some younger Christian women I know) is that they've handed control of each phase of their lives over to God.

They don't know how much longer they or their husbands have on this earth, but they've decided that the time will be of God's choosing. They don't know how much longer they will be sick and hospitalized, but that is God's decision. They don't know how long there will be pain and suffering in their bodies, but they understand that God does.

With that knowledge comes peace - God's perfect peace - which rests firmly in their souls. You can see it written on their faces when they're sick and dying. You can hear it in their voices when they tell you that everything will be alright. And you can feel it when you watch them go day by day trusting in God's plan.

We younger Christian women don't have to wait for that kind of peace to come with age. We can see it and hear it and feel it in our own lives if we just turn over control of every aspect of life to the Lord. He has made it all so simple, but it's our flesh that always holds us back.

Are you ready for the perfect peace of God, the peace which passeth all understanding? Then lay it all at the feet of Christ. Give up the control that you've been clinging to and trust that He will handle anything and everything that comes your way. And that will clear your heart and mind, bringing you that serenity that only the Lord can bestow.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27


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